Sunday, September 25, 2005

A Sabbath

We completed our 72-hour siege of the Supreme Court about an hour ago. I did an 8-hour watch from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. last night, so I'm a little sore and tired this morning. Today we rest. What an invigorating evening though. Three days ago I wrote in my blog that we needed to pray for President Bush big time because "now is the time for this man to stand up and be the man God called him to be- to be a BURNING BUSH. He needs to get his swagger back." Last night during a bathroom break at Starbucks I glanced at a Washington Post. There on the front page was a headline that read, "President Struggles to Regain His Pre-Hurricane Swagger." Wow, what a confirmation that our prayers are on the right track. I believe God led us into this long-distance siege and fast for the purpose of breakthrough. So, I also believe we will see breakthrough! God gave me a scripture last night. It's similar to the parable of the persistent widow. It's Luke 11:5-8. Jesus tells the story of how a man goes to a friend for bread in the middle of the night so he will have something to give to a stranger. The friend refuses since it's the middle of the night, but ends up giving the man what he asks for because of his boldness and persistence. What's more is the friend is not asking for himself but for someone else. What an amazing picture of persistent, bold intercession. Please continue to pray for our president as he is considering a nominee for this next seat of the Supreme Court. Let's call forth the Burning Bush that he was called to be. Also, let's continue to pray for John Roberts. Most sources are saying that he's on track for almost-certain confirmation. But that's not the whole battle. We must press in for the ongoing prevailing influence over his mind–especially since he will be sitting in the most important judicial seat in America.

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