Thursday, July 20, 2006


We talked in our community meeting here in DC yesterday about the LIFE message. It is not merely information or content for a sermon and definitely not just food for thought. It has been said that what made Winston Churchill so effective as a leader was not because he was a master statesman or brilliant strategist. It was more about who and what he was- his exuberance, vitality, passion and conviction. It was said that he literally embodied everything that he hoped to inspire in his people. He became the message.

We are not just intercessors for the unborn. We must become the message. We must embody the LIFE message with every fiber of our being. We must become everything that we hope to inspire in others. Life is sacred from beginning to end. That means we must protect the unborn, adopt the unwanted, care for the needy, respect the elderly and provide for the dying. Love conquers all.

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