No rest for the weary. Kim and I spent the last couple of days in Fort Mill, SC putting what's left of our belongings in storage and coordinating some office stuff for Bound4LIFE. We drove all day yesterday back to DC, and the kids helped us cram a 7-hour drive into a mere 9.5 hours. When I was a kid, I loved the long family road trips. How could the apple have fallen so far from the tree? So we got in late, and I did laundry until midnight. Now I'm sitting at the airport in Baltimore waiting to board a flight to Sioux Falls, SD via Denver. I'll be in Rapids City this weekend meeting with pastors and community leaders in preparation for our September gatherings. Tonight I'll be meeting again with Gabriel Medicine Eagle. He has gathered leaders from the nine Sioux reservations to meet with us concerning Bound4LIFE and what's going on in September. We are feeling like a gathering in October with the Sioux nation will be critical to initiate what God is wanting to do in South Dakota and the US. Please pray that our time together will be productive.
I return to DC at noon on Monday and promptly pack the truck up to drive the whole family back to Sioux Falls that night. We're relocating temporarily to South Dakota to mobilize the state for September and October. Great doors of opportunity have been opened to us there. We're excited to see what God is about to do.
Well, my flight's boarding. Gotta go.
Friday, July 28, 2006
¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale!
Posted by
Matt Lockett
11:43 AM
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Intern Cloning Passes House/Senate. President Expected to Sign
Ali & Bekah Orewiler. My two favorite twins. Or rather my one favorite twins? One set of twins, two incredible interns. Strike that- make it two incredible intercessors.
Posted by
Matt Lockett
10:08 PM
Friday, July 21, 2006
Coming into focus
Please be praying for us today. We're doing a conference call with Focus on the Family in the afternoon. We've recently crossed paths with them, and they were surprised that they weren't aware of us. They've suggested that they may want to fly a couple of us out to Colorado Springs to discuss more formally how Focus and Bound4LIFE can cooperate in strategic locations across America.
This is a huge answer to prayer. We've been asking God for a divine connection with Dr. Dobson.
Posted by
Matt Lockett
2:43 PM
Thursday, July 20, 2006
We talked in our community meeting here in DC yesterday about the LIFE message. It is not merely information or content for a sermon and definitely not just food for thought. It has been said that what made Winston Churchill so effective as a leader was not because he was a master statesman or brilliant strategist. It was more about who and what he was- his exuberance, vitality, passion and conviction. It was said that he literally embodied everything that he hoped to inspire in his people. He became the message.
We are not just intercessors for the unborn. We must become the message. We must embody the LIFE message with every fiber of our being. We must become everything that we hope to inspire in others. Life is sacred from beginning to end. That means we must protect the unborn, adopt the unwanted, care for the needy, respect the elderly and provide for the dying. Love conquers all.
Posted by
Matt Lockett
11:45 AM
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Senator Thune
Please pray for this man. We are praying for an open door to meet with Senator John Thune of South Dakota to discuss Bound4LIFE and what's going on before November 7th.
Posted by
Matt Lockett
9:38 PM
Saturday, July 15, 2006
2 for 1
What if two seats on the Supreme Court opened up instead of just one? I'm just sayin’...
Posted by
Matt Lockett
12:11 PM
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Back to the Midwest
My trip to Sioux Falls, SD was an overwhelming success. God's hand moved mightily, and it seems to be a season of disruption. This feels like one of those times when all bets are off. The Lord himself changes the times and seasons of our lives. Ferrill and I went to South Dakota with a long list of tasks, and nearly every item was accomplished. We couldn't have had a more productive time. We'll be returning next Friday to do the same thing in Rapids City on the western side of the state. I'm hoping for a little extra time to maybe see Mt. Rushmore and visit some of the Sioux reservations.
In addition to scouring the city for office space and living arrangements, we did anywhere from four to seven meetings a day with little sleep in between. We met with pastors, community leaders, businessmen, intercessors, leaders of the Sioux Nation and Republican campaign directors. Three State Senators even attended some of the meetings, and I think there may have been some Representatives in there somewhere. Something big is stirring in South Dakota.
We're excited to have made a connection with the South Dakota Family Policy Council. They're the SD arm of James Dobson's Focus on the Family. We're praying for a closer and continued relationship with Dr. Dobson as Bound 4 Life gets launched in a big way this September in South Dakota. Two people that I had the extreme pleasure of spending several days with were Gabriel Medicine Eagle and his wife Vi. They are amazing people, and I'm humbled to have spent time with them. Gabe is a native pastor among the Sioux people and has done much to plow the way for a massive move of God on the reservations.
Please pray for finances to come to us. In many ways, we're way over our head. But I realize that God wants this more than I do, so my trust is in Him to accomplish everything. Also, please pray for wisdom for our leadership team. We're considering throwing everything we've got at South Dakota. In military terms, it's called "concentration of force." We're pondering what it means for us if we pull people from our bases in DC, Charlotte, Boston and San Francisco all at the same time.
Lord, I pray for open heavens for South Dakota!
Posted by
Matt Lockett
11:57 AM
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Hour of Decision
Sorry I haven't written much in the last week. I know many of you out there check this site often for updates on what we're doing. I haven't abandoned it or lost interest though. I simply haven't had time to put thoughts to page or even the ability to distill what's happening right now. Suffice it to say I've been led supernaturally on a journey to South Dakota. That's right, I'm in South Dakota right now.
In a nutshell, here's what's going on. In February of this year, both the House and Senate of SD passed HB-1215 and Governor Mike Rounds signed it into law. That's the bill that suddenly got the attention of the entire nation because it banned abortion. No, abortion didn't end, but this was designed to make sure that it did anticipating Roe v Wade being overturned in the Supreme Court at some point in the near future. Immediately, pro-choice activist groups decended on these small midwestern towns and mustered a signature petition to have the law put to popular vote on November 7th. So, again, the state is in an hour of decision. It's all about where you stand on the shedding of innocent blood. Law makers have taken a bold stand on this issue and have done their duty. Now the people must decide by showing up at the ballot box in less than four months. Planned Parenthood is currently fund raising on a massive scale and launching an ad campaign designed to sway the masses and specifically to confuse them so that people are unclear on the issue. The item on the ballot will be called "Referred Law 6" and people need to vote "Yes" on it in order to keep the new law on the books.
Now this is an interesting development. As soon as Governor Rounds signed the law, the president of the Sioux Nation made a stunning statement. Cecelia Fire Thunder, their first female president, told the press that she would personally open an abortion clinic on the Sioux reservation in Pine Ridge out of the jurisdiction of the US government. What an incredibly defiant move! What has developed in the aftermath is nationally significant though. On May 31st the Council of Elders convened and moved to suspend Ms. Fire Thunder while impeachment hearings took place. On June 29th the Sioux Nation impeached their president. They released a statement that abortion was not consistent with Sioux values because "life is sacred."
As a ministry The Cause has been in a whirlwind for the last week and half. Divine appointments have opened up. Unexpected invitations have arose. And step by step we have been drawn into South Dakota. Why? Why now? Why us? We have revisited a prophetic word that was released by Chuck Pierce and Dutch Sheets on June 28, 2004 which says this in part:
God is going to use this state very strategically to tear down national strongholds. If we don’t get breakthrough in SD... we don’t get revival in America. SD will become a very conspicuous place... from this place the nation will begin to be legislated. There is something here that has to happen that is going to release the nation, and if we don’t get it here, the nation can’t go into what the Lord wants.
The prophecy goes on to say:
I just decree right now, in Jesus’ name, that the Spirit of God is coming to visit the Native People of this state... There is going to be an outpouring of the Spirit of God that comes to this region, and it is going to flow through all of these reservations... there has been something reserved for those people, and they will rise up and begin to be seen as a people of God, as a blessed people, as a people visited by the very Spirit of the Lord, and there will be a move of God’s Spirit that will be key to what He wants to do in this entire state.
Now c'mon. How do you walk into Pierre, SD and get that? Have you seen Pierre? South Dakota is the poster child for small town America. The local sore point I've discovered here is that Rand McNally actually left South Dakota out of the almanac. When called on it, they said "Well, South Dakota doesn't matter anyway." (A comment they quickly retracted) We believe that God is wanting to fulfill this word right now. I am here with my friend Ferrill Galloway, director for Bound 4 Life, meeting with local pastors and leaders to discuss what God is wanting to do. As a ministry, we are considering sending all of our forces to South Dakota in September for 21 days of 24/7 prayer and fasting. We want to mobilize the entire nation to rally to SD to fight the battles of the Lord. Were dreaming big on this one. What if thousands and thousands hear the call to come to South Dakota? What if they join the South Dakotans here and throw themselves into prayer and fasting with abandon. What if the hearts of this state remain steadfast on the abortion issue and simultaneously a third seat opens up on the Supreme Court? What if President Bush appoints a third conservative judge that becomes the swing vote to overturn Roe v Wade? What if South Dakota then becomes the first state to ban abortion in America and begin to redeem the land? What if the prophetic word is true?
It's worth everything I have to find out.
Print this out. Share it with everyone you know. Begin to pray and mobilize in every circle of influence you have be it big or small. Watch for more info here on my blog and also at
Posted by
Matt Lockett
12:20 PM