Sunday, May 31, 2009

Grieved and Concerned About George Tiller

I'm processing my thoughts and concerns regarding the murder of abortionist George Tiller this morning in Wichita, KS. My heart is so grieved for the Tiller family. As a pro-life leader I believe emphatically that all human life is sacred, unique and precious to God. My prayers go out to the Tiller family during this tragedy.

I'm thankful that when God called me into the pro-life movement that He first established that my posture would be rooted in the prayer movement. Nobody knows the story yet about who this shooter is or what his motivation was. My guess though is that what happened this morning to Mr. Tiller will demonstrate what can happen when the struggle against injustice lashes out unprotected by prayer.
We are not easily reduced to prayer. We who grope toward praying today are like a city gutted by fire. The stuggle against injustice has exacted from us an aweful cost. In a similar period with similar struggles, Camus wrote, "There is merely bad luck in not being loved; there is tragedy in not loving. All of us, today, are dying of this tragedy. For violence and hatred dry up the heart itself; the long fight for justice exhausts the love that nevertheless gave birth to it..."
Unprotected by prayer, our social activism runs the danger of becoming self-justifying good works, as our inner resources atrophy, the wells of love run dry, and we are slowly changed into the likeness of the Beast.
-Walter Wink, Engaging the Powers, p. 297-298
By "changed into the likeness of the Beast" he means to be transformed into the very thing that you set out to overthrow or counteract. In the case of the pro-life movement, it is imperative that we maintain an approach that comes from prayer, love and compassion. The act of abortion is so completely and unredeemably violent that it can only be opposed in the "opposite spirit".

Pro-life leaders have been quick to respond publicly today by denouncing this violent act. I'm only slightly consoled that the media is reporting the fact that this doesn't reflect the vast majority of people in the pro-life movement. I have a great concern that this will be used by the pro-abortion agenda and related political leaders to stifle pro-life voices even as we begin debates over the next Supreme Court Justice and health care reform.

No one should profit politically from this great tragedy.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Say it with me..."Sotomayor"

No, I don’t know a lot about the new SCOTUS nominee… yet. But I am working on it. She is believed to be pro-choice but yet she is also catholic. (Not sure how that works).

Anyway, I think most people have a working knowledge of the 3 branches of our government but, just in case you missed it in school, indulge me for just a moment.

There are 3 branches of Government…

  1. Legislative - Create Law
  2. Executive - Enforce Law
  3. Judicial - Interpret Law

Now, most people understand the difference between # 1 and # 3. However, a few don’t. So let me say it like this. Policy making and law creating is not the job of the Courts - any of them. Yes, that means the Supreme Court as well.

But this is apparently lost on Pres. Obama’s nominee:

Monday, May 18, 2009

I'm rejoining the workforce to work at Qualcomm

I have some concepts that I've been working on.

Friday, May 08, 2009


Today’s news informs us that Nancy Pelosi was, IN FACT, fully briefed on enhanced interrogation techniques being used, and she has been lying to the American public so as to sound like a liberal bleeding heart. Poser.

I came across this mobile video of a young man trying to confront former Secretary of State Condeleeza Rice. This needs to be heard. All I have to say about this young man is, “PWND puh-owned.”

I think that might be the same kid from the “Don't taze me bro” video.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Prayer Rumble

Here’s a little something from last Friday night’s Prayer Rumble in JHOPDC. What’s far more interesting are the 37 intercessors behind the camera’s point of view roaring in prayer for the nation.

Today is the National Day of Prayer. There is organized prayer for America going on in all 50 states today. Please take some time to join in crying out for mercy for the nation and God’s wisdom for our government, pastors, parents, children and everyone in between.

photo by Levi Bethune, photo blog

Monday, May 04, 2009

All-New JHOPDC Open House

The opening of the new JHOPDC has been kind of a “soft opening”. What’s a soft opening you ask? It’s like an out-of-town opening except it’s in town. I know, some of you may be thinking, “I remember when the JHOP first opened. One day it was closed; the next day it was open.” Maybe you were there and saw it for yourself. But this is different.

[fans of Ocean’s 13 will appreciate that bit]

Anyway, JHOPDC has moved from it’s previous location of the last four years, and this week we’re inviting everyone to our Open House. Come see the new digs which will serve as home for the new Prayer Room and JHOPDC internship. That’s right, we’ve combined the Prayer Room and housing all in one facility to help with high urban-dwelling costs, so you can come get a little taste of what life will be like for the young people responding to the call to prayer in the nation’s Capitol.

JHOPDC will serve as the flagship and headquarters for Bound4LIFE as we take our ongoing daily stand in silent siege of the United States Supreme Court.

Concluding our three-day Open House we’ll be hosting a special Friday Night Rumble with Radiant Worship this Friday, May 8th. If you’re in the DC area this week or maybe in town for the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, we’d love to have you drop by to see the new place.

Wed, 5/6
4–8 PM Open House
Thur, 5/7
4–8 PM Open House
Fri, 5/8
4–6 PM Open House
7–9 PM Friday Night Rumble with Radiant Worship